In the Past

Forgot to tell the child that the class Won’t be held in the next week.

If it was possible to inform every child that the new lesson will be commenced in next week.

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In the Past

There is no way to listen to the teacher’s voice, of the lessons conducted by him, during my absence

By staying at home, if there is a way to get the papers, notes & tutes, that have been given by the teacher in the class.

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In the Past

The son left home, to the class, how do I know whether he has attended the class or not.

By staying at home if there is a way to know the finishing time of the class.

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FIRST TIME in Sri Lanka

Inform Just in time by SMS of the child is in attendance to the class. Starts the great revolution in Sri Lanka Education. Combination of two techniques Of Computer with NFC. If you are a Student, Please inform your teacher, and refer this technology If you are a Parent, When your child attend a tuition class Please check whether the technology of WST Is available (WST Enable). 


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1ST Time in Sri Lanka

Inform Just in time by SMS of the child is in attendance to the class

Starts the great revolution in Sri Lanka Education Combination of two techniques Of Computer with NFC

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Superb Business Solutions (Pvt)Ltd | Hotline : (+94) 777 979737  

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